Sweeping Reforms: Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security Absorbs Key Functions
Key Events * Major Government Restructuring in Vietnam: Five Ministries Cut, Police Take On New Roles * Decree 168 Continues to Spark
“Colonial imperialist France used the law of the jungle, employed brutal force to seize the land of indigenous farmers, and
What Happened at Loc Hung Garden? On Jan. 4, 2019, only a few weeks before Vietnam's Lunar New
The Conviction On Sept. 22, 2016, the Hanoi People’s Court held a first-instance trial [1] for Vu Van Binh,
What happened? On this day in 1979 [https://thediplomat.com/2017/02/the-bitter-legacy-of-the-1979-china-vietnam-war/] , [1] hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What happened? On this day, in 1974, Chinese and then-Republic of Vietnam (RVN) navies clashed [https://thediplomat.com/2014/
On this day, seven years ago, the execution of death-row inmate Ho Duy Hai was temporarily suspended [https://www.rfa.
What happened? On this day, 12 years ago, a group of six democracy activists was sentenced to prison, with sentences
What happened? On July 24, 2012, China established a prefecture-level city called Sansha City (in Vietnamese: Thành phố Tam Sa)
What is this day about? Almost a century ago, a newspaper called Thanh Nien published its first issue [https://baotintuc.
The “On This Day” series introduces contemporary Vietnamese history of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries by explaining political events that
The “On This Day” series aims to introduce contemporary Vietnamese history of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries by explaining political
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