Sweeping Reforms: Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security Absorbs Key Functions
Key Events * Major Government Restructuring in Vietnam: Five Ministries Cut, Police Take On New Roles * Decree 168 Continues to Spark
In preparation for the Martin Ennals Award (MEA) ceremony, a Vietnamese delegation arrived in Geneva, Switzerland to begin a two-week
The Vietnam Briefing, which is released every Monday morning Vietnam time, looks at Vietnam’s social and political developments of
The Vietnam Briefing, which is released every Monday morning Vietnam time, looks at Vietnam’s social and political developments of
The Vietnam Briefing, which is released every Monday morning Vietnam time, looks at Vietnam’s social and political developments of
February 10, 2022 - Vietnamese human rights defender and internationally acclaimed [https://www.thevietnamese.org/2022/01/pham-doan-trang-one-in-three-2022-martin-ennals-laureates/] independent journalist,
The Vietnam Briefing, which is released every Monday morning Vietnam time, looks at Vietnam’s social and political developments of
January 19, 2022: Pham Doan Trang has been named as one of the three laureates of the 2022 Martin Ennals
“Your Vietnamese will improve if you keep practising,” my Vietnamese tutor says, his stringy grey hair like vermicelli strands combed
The Vietnam Briefing, which is released every Monday morning Vietnam time, looks at Vietnam’s social and political developments of
DECEMBER 14, 2021- The U.S Department of State (DOS) released a press statement [https://www.state.gov/on-the-conviction-of-vietnamese-author-and-journalist-pham-doan-trang/] condemning
Doan Trang's family received this statement before the trial. Doan Trang wished to publish it in case she
Vietnamese writers and journalists, like Pham Doan Trang, have always been portrayed by the Vietnamese state as being “phản động”
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